Below is a copy of the SITE PLAN as drawn up by the architects and original site owner which now has enduring Outline Planning Permission for a newbuild detached 4 bedroom house at our property address: Seabreezes, Back of Farr (via Munro Place), Bettyhill, Thurso, Sutherland, KW14 7TD.
Developer’s Measurement Plan – Given In Good Faith
Please Note: To AVOID CONFUSION with the numbered houses and similarly numbered plots, all in Munro Place, a precaution of naming this plot “Seabreezes” has been made. This should ensure that there is NO accidental confusion between our building plot and any houses nearby with the same address numbers as the newbuild plot numbers.
Please Click Directly On The Image Above To Increase Viewing Size
This plan is what forms the official Title Deed as now registered at the Scottish Land Registry. Further detail and access to the complete Scottish Land Registry Title Deed from our solicitors. The title is Feuhold [Scottish Freehold equivalent] and is the best quality of title ownership available in Scotland…
Extract From Title Deed Plan. Full Land Registry Copies Available On Request
If/when you visit the building site please follow the newly constructed access road from Munro Place. This is the road area coloured yellow on the plans of the Local Authority and are those that the original site developer, Mr Jappy purchased and which forms the direct connection from the existing Local Authority “adopted” road, namely Munro Place. This now connects directly to our new site road, Back of Farr, right up to our FULLY SERVICED Building Plot at Seabreezes. At the time of writing the overall site developer, Mr Jappy had reached sufficient progress with electricity, water, drainage, pavement, street-lighting on the site as to be released from the Local Authority Bond, following from which will shortly be the “adoption” of our site development spur by the Roads Department, and normalisation of use by homeowners, visitors etc., to our Building Plot. Mr Jappy is holding off laying the final tarmacaddam until ALL of the underground services have been completely installed. This is in order to save new and fresh tarmac being dug up again shortly after being finished. The intention being to avoid needless potholes and road surface scarring to the finished development.
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Seabreezes Building Plot For Sale