Planning Permission

Here is a copy of the keenly IMPORTANT document which gives formal consent for OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION to build a detached house on the Building Plot: Seabreezes, Back of Farr, Off Munro Place, Bettyhill, By Thurso, Sutherland, KW14 7TD … 

Bettyhill Planning Consent - Mr Jappy Address Redacted

Highland Council Planning Permission – OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION

Live & Enduring Planning Consent

Please Click Directly On The Image Above To Increase Viewing Size

The original OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION was formally granted on 19th March 2008. For the sake of good form it is important to note key aspects relating to Planning Permissions.

In this case there is wording that the “development to which it relates must be begun not later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date of this permission”.

For the sake of good form, we have now had direct confirmation from the Highland Council Planning Authority Case Officer, Mr Bob Robertson that as a …

“Material operation had begun on the main site”

…well WITHIN the five year period since permission was granted, then in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION had begun and therefore was now enduring.

For the avoidance of doubt, as this project had commenced and been progressed to a sufficient degree – major roadbuilding, pavement construction, street lighting and site full service connection etc – the OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION we have on site and including our Building Plot is now “live in perpetuity”.

That means the Planning Permission to build a detached house on our site is permanent and now just awaits the submission of the new owner’s DETAILED plans for that house in order to move to the next stage of this process and obtain a FULL PLANNING PERMISSION and requisite BUILDING WARRANTS to proceed with the actual newbuild.

For the actual statutory legislation on the “Meaningful Start” element which secures an enduring OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION, please be guided to:

Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

“Meaningful Start” – For Definitive Statute – Click Here

It is also worth reminding possible buyers of our Building Plot that there was previously a FULL PLANNING PERMISSION for this site…

Original FULL Planning Permission Elevation Drawings: Click Here


Original Full Planning Permission Interior Layout Drawings: Click Here

These lapsed around September 2013 and are NO LONGER live on a FULL basis [though OUTLINE Planning Permission is still alive]. But an application to reinstate this detailed and FULL PLANNING PERMISSION can be made if a new buyer wishes to reinstate this design. The original architects – Knight & McDonald – have been very kind and helpful. They are more than happy to resubmit the drawings and FULL PLANNING PERMISSION paperwork for a new owner to the Highland Council if the new owner would like the house as originally designed for the plot to be the actual newbuild for this site.

Though of course, a new owner may wish to have their own dedicated house design submitted for the FULL and DETAILED part of this process. 


Highland Council Planning List Notes … 

Ref Number: 07/00429/FULSU Application Type Full Application

Validation Date: 25/10/2007 Grid Reference 270514 961777

Approval Date: 19/03/2008.

Description of Works Formation of 7 No. serviced building plots with associated access road.

Location of Works: Land West of Munro Place, Bettyhill, Thurso, Sutherland, KW14 7TD.

Plus provision of land within the adjacent site for affordable housing units.

Applicant Name: Mr I Jappy

Applicant Address: The Steading, Bettyhill, Thurso, KW14 7SP

Case Officer: Bob Robertson – Tel: 01862 812044.

Case Officer Email: bob.robertson [at]

Please replace [at] with the symbol @ when retyping Mr Robertson’s email. This helps stop internet email spammers hoovering up email addresses and spamming the recipient. Thankyou.




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Seabreezes Building Plot For Sale